The Surprises Don't Stop...Gatecrashing Zooms!

How on earth do you make an occasion special during a lockdown? With a personalised singing surprise… via Zoom!

When everything started to shut down, we began to think of ways that we could make our unique surprises still happen for people and companies… but virtually. Because not only were our team out of work, but suddenly, team events, birthdays, and anniversaries were looking pretty bleak. How can you express to someone how much you love them, or create an engaging corporate event, over Zoom?

So the Zoom Gatecrash concept was born. One of our undercover Tailors singers comes into your call, and swiftly looks confused. ‘Is this the rehearsal for the Battersea Dogs Home, Virtual Event?’

Quite obviously it isn’t! When told what event it IS, the likeable singer is embarrassed - and we’ve found that more often than not, one of the Zoom guests actually asks them to play a song before they go. ‘Well sure!’ they exclaim, ‘it’s the least I can do! I’ll play one song…’

Then BOOM! They launch into a song all about the company’s industry - or the birthday boy - or the CEO. The shock ripples through the screen, and turns to laughter as the group realise they’ve been fooled…

I’ll be honest - I was reluctant to move virtual, at first. I thought it wouldn’t have the same impact - that the audience reaction wouldn’t be the same, that it would be less rewarding for us as performers as we wouldn’t be able to hear the clapping, the laughter. But BOY. Was I wrong! We gave it a go… and even though we can’t hear them (they have to mute!) it’s actually incredible to see your audience laughing all on one screen. And singing about certain people is easy - their names are right there - a luxury we don’t normally get at live events!!

The videos really speak for themselves… again to my surprise, just as fun to watch as one of our normal flash mobs.

So for the remainder of lockdown, don’t you worry - we’re here to make those team calls or birthdays really stand out. And when things go back… well, we’re available to sing (or dance!) live at your next event, too! Just fill out our Contact Form and one of our friendly team will get back you asap.

Stay safe and enjoy these crazy Zoom surprises!

Alex & The Club Mob Team


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